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How To Plan And Conduct An ISA Activity in 2023

ISA Activity: Welcome visitors! Are you participating in ISA Award or ISA Reaccreditation this year? If you are appearing first time in ISA Award this year then you might be confused about how to plan and conduct an ISA Activity. And if you have already won the ISA award and appearing in ISA Reaccreditation then you are familiar with the procedure of activity planning and conduction. So if you are appearing for the first time or second time today I am going to reveal the secrets of my ISA activity planning that will definitely help you and most of your questions regarding ISA activity planning and conduction will be solved.

Step 1:Core Skill Selection

If you have already selected a theme on which you want to plan and conduct an activity then it is good otherwise first of all you have to select a topic from the curriculum of your school and then you have to select the theme of your activity or in other words, you can say that you have to select the sustainable development goal or core skill on which your activity will be based. This means along with the curriculum life skills or 21st-century skills will be developed in students after the conduction of this activity. There are six SDG's or you can select one or more themes. The six SDGs or themes or core skills are 
Ways of working 
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 
Creativity and Imagination 
  • Ways of living 
Student Leadership 
(In citizenship you can work on activities that enable students to understand one or more of the following 
  • Conflict and peace
  • Rights and Responsibilities 
  • Fairness and equality 
  • Identity and belonging 
  • Enablers
Digital Literacy 
Communication and Collaboration 

Step 2: Dividing An ISA Activity Into Sub Activities 

After selecting the theme select curriculum subjects that your ISA activity will cover. Then divide your activity into sub-activities. Don't conduct an activity as a whole do follow the divide and conquer policy and divide your ISA activity into small manageable sub-activities. And conduct each sub-activity separately. Let's suppose one of my activities was on Independence Day, I divided the whole activity into the following sub-activities
  • Independence Day Poster Making
  • Badge Making for Independence Day
  • Face Painting 
  • Cultural Show
  • Independence Day Function

Step 3: Conduction Of Sub Activities 

Once you have divided your activity into sub-activities now conduct each sub-activity separately. Don't work alone involve your co-teachers in the conduction of sub-activities. 

Step 4: Students Involvement 

Involve as many students as you can in your ISA activity. For each sub-activity select students of different age groups. In this way, a maximum number of students will be involved on the whole in the activity. 

Step 5: Sub-Activity Record Maintenance 

Now the most important step of ISA activity Planning and conduction is record management of the activity. Stepwise conduct sub-activities and when you conduct a sub-activity take HD pictures of the activity. Take pictures of each and every step and things including inactivity. Don't forget to take pictures of the students involved in the activity. In the same way, make video clips of each and every step of the activity. Also, make video clips of student comments and the guest comments about that activity (which means what they learned from that activity). After that store that record in organized folders on your computer, laptop, or cellphone. Make a major folder with your activity name on your computer and then make the following subfolders. 
Pictures (subfolders for each sub-activity)
Videos (subfolders for each sub-activity)
Social Media Proof
Evaluation Forms
Partner School Activity 
Partner School Student Sharing
Partner School Evaluation Forms 
Partner School Feedback 
Don't forget to save a copy of all that record on your mobile phone because this data will be used in activity sharing. If you want to learn how to share an ISA activity do read my post 

I made the following subfolders for my Independence Day activity. In the same way, you can make subfolders for your activity.

ISA Activity

Step 6: Filling out Evaluation Forms

During conduction of activity keep evaluation forms with you. If you need evaluation forms click here. 
There are evaluation forms for teachers, students, and community members that are involved in the activity. Give evaluation forms to students and teachers that are involved in the activity from school and if you have invited a guest or some community members like parents in your activity also give evaluation forms to them for filling. Save your evaluation forms for each activity in organized folders.
Note: You can also send evaluation forms to your partner school for filling especially in case your activity partner is international.

Step 7: Sharing Of ISA Activity On Social Media 

You have to share your activity pictures or videos on social media like Facebook or other platforms and then take screenshots of that sharings and save them in the social media proof subfolder of that activity. This step is to see how many likes your activity got on social media. You can also give your activity pictures for print in some magazine or newspaper and can add its screenshots in the social media proof subfolder of the activity. 

Step 8: Finding Partner For ISA Activity

Once you have completely conducted your activity or you have successfully conducted some of the sub-activities of your activity start searching for a partner for your activity so that you can share your activity which is the main purpose of the British Council Connecting Classroom Project. You can search for national as well as international partners for your activity. If you are new and do not know how to search for a partner for your activity do read

Step 9: Demanding to Feed Back From Partner School

Once you have found a partner school for sharing your activity and you have shared your activity with your partner school the next step is to demand feedback from your partner school. Feedback is a type of appreciation letter in which the partner school will tell you how they find your activity and when they shared your activity with their students and what their students have learned from your activity.

 Step 10: Demanding Student Sharing Pictures From Partner School

Once your partner school has provided you feedback on your activity then ask your partner to send you some pictures which they have made when they shared your activity with their students. When your partner provides you with pictures save them on your computer in the Partner School Student Sharing Subfolder of your activity.

So this is all for How to Plan And Conduct an ISA Activity in 2021. I hope you have now understood all the basics of planning and conducting an ISA activity. For more such articles keep visiting "ISA (Award) British Council Connecting Classroom Help Desk" and if you have liked my article "How to plan and conduct an ISA activity in 2023" do share it with other teachers and schools who are participating in ISA Award this Year.

Tags: ISA Activity Planning And Guidance, ISA Activity 2023

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  1. I need some ideas for subactivities

  2. My activity is global warming.please give me some ideas for subactivities of this activity

  3. You can have a sub activity like awareness walk on global warming. You can also have Poster making sub activity🙂


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